Caribbean Artist Alison Hinds Says NO to Violence against Women (UNiTE PSA)

This Public Service Announcement is one of several featuring Caribbean Artists "UNiTEing" to End Violence Against Women.In this PSA, Queen of Soca and Barbadian artist Alison Hinds explores the many roles she plays as a woman and calls for an end to violence against women. Hinds has achieved a number of firsts as a woman in her music career, including winning several music competitions during Barbados' annual Crop Over Festival and taking the genre to a new level. (Publisher:…

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Gender Dialogues: Redefining Resilience

Date: Friday, 13 August 2021

Second joint dialogue with UN Women Fiji MCO and UN Women Caribbean MCO.Recorded: 21 Jul 2021, 05:43 PM (La Paz)Speakers:Former President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Senator Hilda HeineCaribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency Executive Director, Ms. Elizabeth RileyMinister for Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change, Jamaica - Min. Pearnel Charles Jr.

Lessons In Women’s Leadership | UN Women Gender Dialogues

Date: Tuesday, 11 May 2021

UN Women Caribbean and Fiji Multi-Country Offices’ Gender Dialogues series.The 1st Session in the series focuses on ”Lessons in Women’s Leadership” with panelists Honourable Kitlang Kabua, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Minister for Education, Sports & Training, and Ambassador At-large & Plenipotentiary of Barbados, Dame Billie Miller, with a special opening statement by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat General, Dame Meg Taylor.

Step It Up – End Gender-Based Violence in the Caribbean

Date: Tuesday, 8 May 2018

This documentary presents UN Women's community-led intervention and advocacy efforts aimed at building a critical mass of individuals and groups engaged in activism against gender-based violence (GBV). Through interviews with key representatives of governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, gender advocates and visual and musical artists, the documentary explores the key challenges faced in the Caribbean in addressing GBV, and the work of the UN Women Multi-Country…

Step It Up – End Gender-Based Violence in the Caribbean (Trailer)

Date: Monday, 30 April 2018

Learn more about UN Women's community-led intervention and advocacy efforts aimed at building a critical mass of individuals and groups engaged in activism against gender-based violence (GBV). Explore the key challenges faced in the Caribbean in addressing GBV, and the work of the UN Women Multi-Country Office (MCO) - Caribbean to end violence against women and girls in the Eastern Caribbean.Watch the full documentary:…

Parents Must Share the Care

Date: Friday, 13 May 2016

UN Women's Share the Care campaign highlights the importance of shared family responsibilities between fathers and mothers, men and women for children’s development and gender equality.UN Women embarked on the campaign to promote shared parental care and particular the role of fathers and the contribution such makes to the healthy development of the children as well as the benefits of deeper meaningful involvement for parents. The need for such a campaign was reinforced by findings…

Share the Care

Date: Friday, 13 May 2016

UN Women's Share the Care campaign highlights the importance of shared family responsibilities between fathers and mothers, men and women for children’s development and gender equality.UN Women embarked on the campaign to promote shared parental care and particular the role of fathers and the contribution such makes to the healthy development of the children as well as the benefits of deeper meaningful involvement for parents. The need for such a campaign was reinforced by findings…

HeforShe: Dads Sharing the Care

Date: Friday, 13 May 2016

UN Women's Share the Care campaign highlights the importance of shared family responsibilities between fathers and mothers, men and women for children’s development and gender equality.UN Women embarked on the campaign to promote shared parental care and particular the role of fathers and the contribution such makes to the healthy development of the children as well as the benefits of deeper meaningful involvement for parents. The need for such a campaign was reinforced by findings…

Step it Up in Celebration

Date: Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Cynthia Wilson has stepped it up for gender equality in education and arts throughout her 80years. She worked as a high school English teacher in Jamaica and Morocco, before returning home to Barbados in 1969, and serving in Barbados' Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at the Caribbean Tourism Research Centre. She was instrumental in establishing the National Independence Festival of creative Arts (NIFCA) in 1973, and for nearly thirty years has been representing her country and the…

Closing the gender data gaps

Date: Monday, 22 February 2016

Regular and accessible data can inform on whether a nation’s development is impacting men and women fairly. As part of its strategy to contribute to the localising of the Sustainable Development Goals, UN Women MCO Caribbean, in partnership with the CARICOM Regional Statistical Programme, is supporting the piloting of the CARICOM Gender Equality Indicators (GEI) Model, to advance the measurement of gender equality in the region. Agreement was reached on CARICOM indicators to monitor the…

Experiences of Women’s Political Empowerment – Jamaica Rwanda South South Dialogue

Date: Friday, 5 February 2016

A Jamaica Rwanda South South Dialogue led by the UN Women Multi-Country Office – Caribbean with the University of the West Indies Mona Campus, UWI Leads Programme saw Rwanda Member of Parliament, the Honourable Juliana Kantengwa share her country’s experiences of women’s empowerment and the overall sustainable development gains made through increasing women’s political leadership. The progress outlined builds on gender equality platforms as set out in the Beijing Platform for Action, which…

Jamaica Rwanda South South Dialogue

Date: Friday, 5 February 2016

Women’s increased participation in politics is necessary for realising sustainable development. Substantive equality in women’s leadership is equality in form (the numbers) AND substance. The UN Women Multi-Country Office - Caribbean led project with the University of the West Indies UWI Leads Programme at the Mona Campus supported a South South Dialogue with the Government of Rwanda, with the visit of Rwanda Member of Parliament and former Vice President of the Pan African Parliament, the…

Enamórate de ti misma con Andrea Echeverri Arias

Date: Monday, 23 November 2015

La cantante colombiana Andrea Echeverri Arias hace hincapié en la violencia psicológica y las presiones que las mujeres experimentan en sus vidas cotidianas. Echeverri Arias trae un mensaje positivo y llama a las mujeres a empoderarse mediante el enamorarse de sí mismas. La entrevista fue una colaboración conjunta entre el Centro de Capacitación de ONU Mujeres y la Oficina País de ONU Mujeres para Republica Dominicana, y fue grabada durante la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer en…

Gender Responsive Budgeting

Date: Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Under a joint UN programme, UN Women and UNICEF are supporting national budget directors and finance officers from the Eastern Caribbean in conducting gender analyses to design and cost budgets that are child and gender responsive. Mr. Claudius Emmanuel – Deputy Budget Director, Saint Lucia explains the programme’s benefits.

Partnerships with Caribbean Women Towards Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods

Date: Tuesday, 2 September 2014

With the continued impacts of climate change and ongoing economic crises, research tells us that it has become ever more critical to increase women’s empowerment. Gender equality and women’s empowerment have a multiplier effect for all of society –accelerating national and local economic growth, poverty reduction and improved food security for communities and families. Recognising that women in The Bahamas, Dominica and Jamaica are strongly engaged in key sectors as farmers, food producers…

Autonomisation des femmes - autonomisation de l'humanité: imaginez !

Date: Thursday, 5 June 2014

Il est temps de remplir la vision énoncée à la Conférence des femmes de Beijing en 1995. Rejoignez-nous. Imaginez – un monde où aucune femme n’est réduite au silence, objectivée ou abusée parce qu'elle est née femme – un monde où les filles et les garçons, les femmes et les hommes sont égaux. Suivez #Beijing20 et parlez ! See more at:

Empowering Women - Empowering Humanity: Picture It!

Date: Thursday, 5 June 2014

Empowering women empowers humanity. It's time to fulfill the vision laid out at the Beijing Women's Conference in 1995. Join us. Picture it - a world where no woman is silenced, objectified or abused because she was born female. A world where girls and boys and women and men are equal.Follow #Beijing20.Speak up!For more information, please visit:

Sistren Theatre Collective - Jamaica (UN Trust Fund grantee)

Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014

In Jamaica, women and girls face violence not only in private but also in the public sphere, where interpersonal conflicts often escalate into gang wars. The Sistren Theatre Collective uses participatory learning techniques that blend education, life skills building, community mobilization, and the arts to empower women, girls, and young men, and influence communities to take action against violence.