UN Women MCO - Caribbean Builds on the Gender Equality Forum's Momentum: Virtual Tour Series Keeps the Dialogue Going


Following the successful Gender Equality Forum in May 2024, UN Women Multi-Country Office (MCO) - Caribbean has continued its advocacy with a series of virtual tours, designed to sustain the conversation on gender equality and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) issues. This ongoing Virtual Tour series emphasizes the importance of collaborative solutions in addressing the unique challenges faced by SIDS.

A Continued Commitment to Gender Equality

Tonni Brodber, Representative, UN Women MCO - Caribbean, commented on the series, saying: “The conversation around gender equality is an ongoing one; it evolves through continued dialogue and actions. These virtual tours have allowed us to bring regional leaders and experts to the forefront, ensuring that we maintain momentum and address the unique challenges facing Small Island Developing States. Our work is rooted in creating inclusive solutions, and it is vital to ensure that our solutions are as diverse as the communities we serve, especially in Small Island Developing States.” 

Virtual Tours Wrap Up

The series began with Tour 1: Strengthening Institutional and Data Capacity, which focused on the critical need for gender statistics to be accepted as equally important for policy design and implementation, as other more commonly captured data such as economic statistics. The discussion also demonstrated that Caribbean and Pacific Statistics managers are implementing strategies to take the mystery out of gender data so it is more relatable to the public (view the recording here).  Tour 2: Revitalizing SIDS Economies focused on innovative approaches to economic recovery in SIDS, particularly in the face of climate change and global economic pressures (view the recording here).

Tour 3: Inclusive Health Solutions, brought together a distinguished panel of experts to discuss inclusive health strategies. The discussion, moderated by Jessie Schutt-Aine from PAHO/WHO, highlighted strategies for promoting equitable healthcare access and addressed the health needs of marginalized communities. Climate change, disability, and sexual and reproductive health were also key focal points, ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of inclusive healthcare systems. Panelists included Dr. Asa Radix, Senior Director of Callen-Lorde Community Health Center; Kobe Smith, Acting Executive Director of the Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association; Ronald Greenway, a Representative of Persons with Disabilities; and Dr. Karen Polson, Climate Change and Health Advisor at PAHO. (view recording here)

Tour 4: Inclusive, Peaceful Societies and Safe Communities underscored the importance of fostering inclusive, peaceful societies and ensuring the safety of all citizens, with a particular focus on the role of women in peacebuilding efforts within SIDS. The speakers for this tour were Senator the Honourable Samantha N. Marshall, Minister of State for the Ministry of Health, Wellness, Social Transformation and the Environment in Antigua and Barbuda; Marie Goretti Nduwayo, UN Women Country Representative in Haiti; Sharon Bhagwan Rolls of the Pacific Women Mediators Network and GPPAC Pacific; and Senator the Honourable Gloria Thomas, Minister of State in Grenada’s Ministry of Social and Community Development, Housing, and Gender Affairs (view recording here).

Looking Ahead

The Virtual Tour series serves as an essential platform to inspire meaningful change. The initiative aligns with UN Women’s commitment to supporting gender equality and SIDS' sustainable development goals, culminating in a series of activities that celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action. Through these discussions, UN Women is driving momentum towards achieving gender equality and ensuring that the needs of SIDS communities are prioritized.

For more information and updates on the upcoming tours, stay tuned to UN Women’s social media platforms and the SIDS Gender Equality Forum Webpage