Strengthening Gender Mainstreaming Across the UN: Capacity-Building Workshops in Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname


Tonni Brodber, Representative, UN Women Multi-Country Office – Caribbean, recently led capacity-building workshops on gender mainstreaming for members of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname.  The workshops aimed to update participants on the gender dynamics and situational realities in the respective countries and the wider Caribbean region. 

Participants in Trinidad and Tobago attentively listen to UN Women MCO Caribbean Representative, Tonni Brodber at the workshop
Tonni Brodber presents at the virtual workshop to the UNCT, Suriname. 


In her presentations, Ms. Brodber underscored the importance of gender mainstreaming in achieving sustainable development goals, stating: “Gender mainstreaming is essential for the United Nations to fulfill its mission in supporting sustainable development. Achieving SDG 5 requires action across all UN agencies, making initiatives like this workshop to ensure a comprehensive understanding of gender equality and gender mainstreaming, crucial. By mainstreaming gender into our planning, programmes and strategies, we enhance our effectiveness and ensure that our collective efforts empower every individual, driving inclusive and sustainable progress for all.”

Tonni Brodber presents at the virtual workshop to the UNCT, Suriname
Participants in Trinidad and Tobago attentively listen to UN Women MCO Caribbean Representative, Tonni Brodber at the workshop. Photo Credit: UN Women/Shelly Dolabaille 


The workshops were well attended and with the participants’ active engagement, they benefitted from access to data and concrete examples that illustrated how gender norms impact development outcomes and how these can be addressed through more inclusive and equitable policies and interventions.  

Gender equality made easy: The presentation used practical, relatable examples to drive the message home
Gender equality made easy: The presentation used practical, relatable examples to drive the message home.
Photo Credit: UN Women/Shelly Dolabaille