Call for Proposals - BRB30/CFP2022/01 - Responsible Party for Normative and EVAW Actions


CFP No. BRB30/CFP 2022/01

The UN Women Multi-Country Office (MCO) - Caribbean, seeks to partner with Responsible Parties (Non-Governmental Organizations [NGOs] to: Implement advocacy campaigns to promote positive social norms and practices on gender equality and raise awareness of the importance of more inclusive and sustainable policies in the Caribbean to achieve sustainable development. The Responsible Parties will foster conversations on women’s leadership in advocating for gender mainstreaming in regional and national policies and systems, and a gender lens approach to addressing key regional SDG priorities by employing communications campaigns which are engaging, innovative, and relevant to the context/theme. The responsible parties will also produce knowledge products for strengthening the technical capacities of governments and civil society organisations across the region.  The recognition of UN commemorative days also opens opportunities to collaborate with key partners to achieve the outcomes in priority areas of the Strategic Plan.

Proposals should be submitted for the following outcomes:

Outcome 1

  • Implement advocacy campaigns to promote positive social norms and practices on gender equality and raise awareness of the importance of more inclusive and sustainable policies in the Caribbean to achieve sustainable development.
  • Engage in intergenerational dialogues with women leaders in Caribbean governments, national gender machineries and civil society organisations representing men's and women's groups, youth groups and key and vulnerable populations, to support and encourage the strengthening of CSOs capacity to organise sustained advocacy campaigns for GE policies, including women in public leadership.
  • Complete market research and assessment in CARICOM re TV/YouTube/Instagram series on behavioural change re VAWG and Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.

Outcome 3
Spotlight Regional Programme:

  • Strengthen and operationalise regional umbrella networks of women’s rights groups and CSOs to support a coordinated approach to ongoing feminist movement building for gender equality and women’s empowerment and ending VAWG across the Caribbean region utilizing approaches that have proven effective, are innovative and sustainable for joint advocacy, activism, and accountability.
  • Support intergenerational dialogues with young feminist leaders and grassroots youth leaders and groups working on feminist or women’s rights and empowerment issues, but who may not identify as part of the women’s rights movement in Caribbean Spotlight countries and other countries in the Caribbean region. (E.g., biannual in-person/virtual sessions, webinars, etc.).

Spotlight Guyana:

  • Activity 3.2.3: Design and institutionalize advocacy campaigns targeting media, sports and other sectors in particular faith-based leaders on harmful social norms, gender stereotyping, violent masculinities and men’s violence towards women and girls involving survivors as champions and reformed perpetrators
  • Activity 6.3.1: Establish a CSO network for social justice activism to foster demand-driven quality service access and delivery

Spotlight Jamaica

  • Activity 6.1.3 Convene a series of intergenerational multi-stakeholder dialogues in Jamaica including exchanges between men's and women's groups which engage no less than three-hundred (300) people in total, to conduct radical listening sessions to facilitate more integration and coordination that can support focused direct advocacy and enhance knowledge management capacities around ending VAWG including family violence.

Interested parties are invited to submit proposals by no later than 11:59 PM on April 29th, 2022. Download the attachment below for more details.

