Women Agripreneurs in Jamaica Receive Financing for Business Development

Launch Phase Two of Women’s Entrepreneurship Support Project. (Photo Courtesy/ Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment & Sport - CGES)
Ten (10) women entrepreneurs in the agribusiness sector in Jamaica received stipends valued at $100,000 Jamaica Dollars to scale their businesses under the Women’s Entrepreneurship Support (WES) Project. The stipends were financed through the Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean (EnGenDER) Project, a project funded by the Government of Canada and UK FCDO, which is UNDP-led with co-implementation by UN Women, WFP and CDEMA.

Representative, Tonni Brodber
At the virtual handing over ceremony held on August 26, 2021, Tonni Brodber, UN Women Representative explained the importance of the collaboration with the EnGenDER Project, the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport and Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce.
Brodber said: “Through the EnGenDER Project, we were able to adjust our activities to mobilize resources to support this initiative. Global Affairs Canada readily agreed to the repurposing of programme funds under EnGenDER to meet the needs of those impact directly by the pandemic. Taking into consideration the implications faced by women during our new normal, coupled with the main aim of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Support (WES) Project in positioning women entrepreneurs to maximize opportunities and growth for development, this project is in direct synergy with our work at UN Women. We know economic empowerment is interrelated with reducing inequality, increasing security and safety.”
The handing-over ceremony marked the launch of phase two of the WES Project.
Read more: (https://jis.gov.jm/business-development-support-for-women/)