Spotlight Initiative Guyana - Call for Proposals For A Consulting Firm CFP BRB30-CFP 2021-01


The UN Women Multi-Country Office (MCO) Caribbean is seeking to partner with a Consulting Firm to review existing best practices and develop an approach tailored to addressing Family Violence in the Guyanese context including specific strategies and approaches for the participation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

The output and associated output indicator under this intervention are as follows:

Output 3.2: Community advocacy platforms are established/strengthened to develop strategies and programmes, including community dialogues, public information and advocacy campaigns, to promote gender-equitable norms, attitudes and behaviours, including in relation to women and girls’ sexuality and reproduction, self-confidence and self-esteem and promoting positive masculinities.

Output Indicator 3.2.1 Number of women, men, girls and boys who regularly attend community programmes to promote gender-equitable norms, attitudes and behaviours, including in relation to women and girls’ sexuality and reproduction.

The resources available under the Spotlight Project for a Consulting Firm to implement this initiative is USD 32,000.

Interested proponents may obtain further information by contacting this email address: Additionally, two virtual sessions will be held on May 25, 2021 at 1pm and May 27, 2021 at 10am EST to provide additional guidance in responding to this Call. Proponents are kindly asked to register at this link: for the May 25, 2021 session and at this link: for the May 27, 2021 session.

Submission deadline: 11:59 pm (AST) on June 7, 2021

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Supporting Documents:

CFP for Consulting Firm – Activity 3.2.1 under Spotlight Guyana
UNW Proposal Checklist - Activity 3.2.1 under Spotlight Guyana