Climate, Care & Financing: Accelerating Economic Recovery through Gender Lens Investment in the Caribbean Basin

UN Women MCO Caribbean IWD Lunchtime Webinar on Climate, Care & Financing: Accelerating Economic Recovery through Gender Lens Investment in the Caribbean Basin Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 08 March 2022 | Start time: 16:30 UTC +00:00
End date: 08 March 2022 | End time: 17:30 UTC +00:00
Location: Zoom Platform, Caribbean Region

Event description

Countries in the Caribbean Basin, many of which are SIDS, face unique economic/fiscal constraints and are among the world’s most at-risk for climate-related disasters. The pandemic exacerbated these challenges, especially for the region’s tourism-dependent economies, with devastating ripple effects on the agriculture sector. Persistent gender inequalities and labour force segregation mean women have been hit hardest, experiencing disproportionate job loss and burdening increased child and eldercare duties, hindering their economic participation.

The road to economic and social recovery from COVID-19 presents an opportunity to build forward a more resilient and equitable region. This recovery will be accelerated through leveraging both public and private sector investments.

Register now for the webinar:

Sponsored by: Multi-Country Office – Caribbean
More information:
Contact person: UN Women MCO Caribbean info.brb[at] +1 246 467 6000