Story type
- Show all (1373)
- Financial and economic crisis (-) (4)
- Ending violence against women and girls (208)
- Gender equality and women’s empowerment (157)
- Economic empowerment (75)
- Leadership and political participation (51)
- Domestic violence/interpersonal violence (40)
- Civil society (36)
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (34)
- Gender equality and inequality (27)
- Youth (26)
- Gender, culture and society (25)
- COVID-19 (24)
- Peace and security (24)
- Executive Director (23)
- Crisis response and recovery (22)
- Entrepreneurship (22)
- Climate change (20)
- Disaster risk reduction (19)
- Civil society participation (17)
- UNiTE campaign (17)
- Employment (16)
- Financing for gender equality (16)
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (14)
- Beijing Platform for Action (14)
- Businesses and foundations (14)
- Commission on the Status of Women (14)
- HIV and AIDS (14)
- Partnerships (14)
- Rural women (14)
- Social protection (14)
- Women farmers (13)
- Human rights (12)
- Intergovernmental processes (12)
- Gender discrimination (11)
- Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces (11)
- Humanitarian action (10)
- Training (10)
- Unpaid work (10)
- Anti-violence interventions (9)
- Gender data production and collection (9)
- Governance and national planning (9)
- Health (8)
- Education (7)
- Financial resources (7)
- Gender-responsive budgeting (7)
- Girls (7)
- Laws, legislation (7)
- Parliamentary development (7)
- Care and support services (6)
- Communications and media (6)
- Men and boys (masculinity) (6)
- National planning (6)
- Access to justice and legal protection (5)
- Local development (5)
- Political empowerment (5)
- Women with disabilities (5)
- Women’s movements (5)
- Children’s rights (4)
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (4)
- Food security (4)
- Generation Equality (4)
- Innovation and technology (4)
- Sexual and reproductive health and rights (4)
- Sexual harassment (4)
- Sports (4)
- Women’s rights (4)
- Access to basic services (3)
- Gender statistics (3)
- Gender stereotypes (3)
- Health care services (3)
- Indigenous women (3)
- Migrant workers (3)
- Rape/sexual assault (3)
- Religion (3)
- Sex-disaggregated data (3)
- Trafficking/sexual exploitation (3)
- Trust funds (3)
- UN system coordination (3)
- Conflict, war (2)
- Constitutions and legal reform (2)
- Decision-making (2)
- Environmental protection (2)
- Executive Board (2)
- Feminicide/femicide (2)
- Gender data use and accessibility (2)
- Gender mainstreaming (2)
- Goodwill ambassadors (2)
- Governance (2)
- Information and communications technology (ICT) (2)
- Justice reform (2)
- Migration (2)
- Political violence (2)
- Prevention (2)
- Rule of law (2)
- Service delivery (2)
- Sexual violence in conflict (2)
- Traditional media (2)
- Access to justice post-conflict (1)
- Ageing/older people (1)
- Coordination, knowledge management (1)
- Deputy Executive Director, Policy and Programme (1)
- Electoral systems and processes (1)
- Ending impunity (1)
- Fund for Gender Equality (1)
- Gender power relations (1)
- Gender wage gap (1)
- Institutional mechanisms (1)
- Land and property (1)
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBT) rights (1)
- Literacy (1)
- Living conditions (1)
- Macroeconomic policies (1)
- Markets (1)
- Maternal health (1)
- Media leadership (1)
- Mediation and conflict resolution (1)
- National committees (1)
- National mechanisms (1)
- Peacebuilding (1)
- Peacekeeping (1)
- Peace processes (1)
- Planning and monitoring (1)
- Poverty (1)
- Primary prevention (1)
- Public sector reform (1)
- Reparations (1)
- Rural development (1)
- UN Security Council resolution 1325 (1)
- UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (1)
- UN Women administration (1)
1 - 4 of 4 Results
“It is pause for thought that this cost in terms of GDP of violence against women and girls in Grenada is 5.24%. These are significant resources that could be directed elsewhere. This is an area that I hope as duty bearers we can look at closely with a gender-budgeting lens, our new way of doing business."
When Hurricane Beryl tore through the Caribbean in early summer, it left a trail of destroyed homes, unpassable roads, and ruined local infrastructure. As nations begin to rebuild after Beryl and brace themselves for even more storms, UN Women has been on the ground and working to ensure that women are fully integrated into recovery efforts.
The Barbados Statistical Service (BSS) and UN Women Multi-Country Office (MCO) - Caribbean have partnered to implement a regional initiative aimed at determining the contribution of unpaid domestic care work to the economy, introducing targeted questions to the Continuous Labour Force Survey.
Under the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative, UN Women implementing partner Atlantic Council brought together UN agencies, Government officials from several departments, civil society representatives, academics and students to discuss the challenges and opportunities around ending GBV and enhancing women’s economic empowerment.
1 - 4 of 4 Results