Women in Creative Industries: Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change

Event description
CDB GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT & CULTURAL AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES INNOVATION FUND (CIIF) and UN Women Caribbean host "Women in Creative Industries: Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change" panel discussion.
In 2017, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) approved support to establish the Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Fund (CIIF), with an initial USD2.6 million in capitalisation from the Bank.
CIIF is intended to be a multi-donor fund which will support the development of the creative industries (CI) sector in the Caribbean. CIIF’s goal is to enable the region’s cultural and creative industries to be globally competitive.
As part of the work of facilitating development of the CI sector, CDB is hosting CIIF Creative Talk, a regular series of lunch-time conversations between stakeholders, practitioners and policy makers in the CI sector.
Creative Talk aims to create effective communication channels, build relationships of trust between funding agencies, government agencies, creative practitioners and administrators in order to establish an effective foundation for coordination.
Panelists for this event are Annalee Davis, Visual artist, Fresh Milk Arts Platform, former Regional British Council Manager for CI (Barbados based); Varia Williams, Theatre Specialist; Mahalia Cummins, Barbados.
Location: CDB Conference Centre
You can also join us via Go To Meeting
RSVP Deadline: March 5, 2019