Caribbean Joint Statement on Gender Equality and the Post 2015 and SIDS Agenda

The Caribbean Joint Statement on Gender Equality and the Post 2015 and SIDS Agenda represents Caribbean voices and expectations in the emerging Post 2015 and SIDS global agendas as it relates to gender equality.
With the support of the UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean, the Joint Statement was generated by high level government officials and civil society representatives from CARICOM countries, with inputs from regional inter-governmental bodies and international partners in the Caribbean.
The Joint Statement emerged from a UN Women-supported “Caribbean Forum on Gender Equality and the Post 2015 Agenda” held in Barbados (22nd to 23rd August 2013). In adopting the Joint Statement, participants committed to an advocacy strategy so as to ensure that the “asks”, priorities and perspective contained in the Joint Statement are considered by decision-makers within the emerging global processes around Post 2015 and SIDS. Forum Participants endorsed the need for a stand-alone goal on Gender Equality in the Post 2015 Agenda, as well as mainstreaming of gender equality priorities throughout Post 2015 and SIDS.