Caribbean Experiences With Collecting Data on Violence Against Women and Girls

From 2016 to 2018, five CARICOM Member States conducted National Prevalence Surveys on Gender-based Violence. This report examines the processes used to collect data in the region, highlights the key takeaways from survey implementation, captures context-specific experiences in collecting data on VAWG and presents the key lessons learned from the countries’ experiences. Funded by UN Women, UNDP, USAID, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank, the surveys utilized the methodology that the World Health Organization (WHO) developed to collect prevalence data on VAWG.
The main purpose of this report is to provide a resource from which countries in the region can draw good practices for future survey rounds. Used alongside the Technical Guidance Note this document provides governments and NGOs with an important starting point in planning and implementing activities to improve what we know about VAWG in the Caribbean. The report also gives insights into how the WHO methodology for collecting data on VAWG was ‘translated’ in the region and insights into the challenges and successes of implementing the survey and qualitative study and the accompanying ethical protocols.