UN Women Gender and Public Transport Survey


Public transport is an important part of everyday life. It facilitates the movement of people, and can limit or expand access to education, health, employment and social activities. UN Women recognises that each person has different transport needs, preferences and experiences of comfort and safety while using public transport. Thus, we have developed this survey to capture this data.

The survey will help us to better understand the travel patterns and needs of the diversity of persons across Trinidad and Tobago, to inform policy, programming and safe and accessible transportation as an essential service.

You are invited to complete the survey at https://forms.office.com/r/qUBSYxaDRW  and share with your networks so that we can understand how a broad cross section of the population uses public transportation and the challenges faced. Participation is completely anonymous; we will not collect contact information or identifying data.

Thank you for your participation. The survey will close on Monday, 7th November, 2022.

Una version de la encuesta es en Español. Por favor, seleccionar la opcion alta derecha en la esquina de la encuesta.